Google is more than just Search ads

Google Ads isn’t just Google Search - their ad network spans a wide variety of platforms. Be seen not just on Google Search, but on news websites, ecommerce websites, on YouTube, and more.

Our expertise

Google is more than Search Ads.

google certified
ad managers

The Google Ads Manager working on your account is a certified professional - Google says so themselves!

Our Ads Managers are all Google Certified, and afforded ample time for ongoing education so that they can keep up with the ins and outs of Google’s complex and ever-changing advertising platforms.

Our Services

Display Ads

The 21st century billboard. You’re everywhere they look! Display Ads are a cost effective means of reaching a large audience.

Search & Map Ads

Be the first port of call for customers actively searching for businesses like yours.

Shopping Ads

People Google their online shopping wishlist all the time! Drive traffic directly to your website from Google Shopping.

App Ads

Drive app installs by suggesting your app to those who need it most!

Why advertise
with google?

Digital marketing is fast-paced, and your campaigns deserve to be handled by experts.

Be Seen

Google Ads isn’t just Google Search - their ad network spans a wide variety of platforms. Be seen not just on Google Search, but on news websites, ecommerce websites, on YouTube, and more.

Go Where the
People are

47% of all money spent on digital marketing, worldwide, is spent on Google platforms. Your customers are already there - are you?

Effective and

Google Ads is the most measurable advertising platform in the world. Measurement invites analysis, analysis invites optimization and optimization breeds success!

Chase Dormant

Retargeting Display Ads are the perfect way to reach and entice past visitors to your website to come back and convert.


Google’s advanced retargeting platform can test multiple variations of your ads, and learn to serve the ones that perform best.

Stay on

We always follow your marketing plan for predictable ad spend and sales increases to keep your project running smoothly.

Expect More
Than a Report

Yes, you will receive a live report on your business’s Google campaigns, but that’s only the beginning.

We not only collect, but format, analyze and report on the data so that you can understand what worked, what didn’t, and how we plan to improve on the results moving forward.

get seen by future clients

Utilize Google Search Ads

Easily Measured

Search Ads are one of the most reliably tracked ad types to ever exist. Easily see the clicks, phone calls, leads, and sales resulting from Search Ads, the cost per action, and the revenue they generated.

Defend your Brand

How many connections or sales are you able to make per 100 website visitors? Digital marketers call this your ‘conversion rate’, and if you’re not already tracking this metric, now is the time to start!

Highest Commercial Intent

Show your ads to people already poised to convert. Tracking conversions provides empirical evidence that well-designed websites can increase your conversion rate by up to 50% overnight.

create effective
display ads

Reach 90% of internet users worldwide, across millions of websites, news pages, and Google sites like Gmail and YouTube.

how we use display ads

Cost Effective

When you are still building brand awareness and trust, frequency of appearance is your friend. Display Ads are a great way to be everywhere your customers are!

Dynamic Ad Creative

Build up a library of creative assets including images, videos, and text, which will be optimally combined and displayed so as to best fit the ad destination and maximize the odds of conversion.


70 - 98% of website visitors will leave your site without making a decision about spending money with your company. Retarget and remind those visitors of your brand and its value to them.

get seen through
youTube ads

People used to watch prime-time TV, now they’re all on YouTube!

how we use YouTube ads

Reach Any & Every Demographic

YouTube is universal - if your target audience is online, they’re on YouTube.

Customize Your Reach

While you can reach anyone and everyone, not everybody makes for a perfect customer for your business. Choose who you want to reach and show your ad to those who are most interested in what you have to offer!

Pay for Hits, not Misses

With YouTube ads, you can choose to only pay when your prospective customers show interest.

Launch your next project

Take your business to the next level and get Canada's leading advertising agency on your next campaign.

Let's Get Started